CAVITIES AND TOOTH DECAY: Tooth decay is caused by microscopic bacteria that live in your mouth. Most of the time bacteria are harmless, and actually keep our bodies healthy. In some cases, usually because of the foods we eat, there can be an excess of bacteria which begins to destroy tooth and bone. Luckily, this is generally a slow process that is often reversible if caught at and early stage. Bacteria love sugar, and they want it often! Eating balanced meals and avoiding frequent snacking on junk food is best way to keep your bacteria in line! Talk to Dr. Tellissi about healthy food choices and snacks to keep the family healthy.
GUM DISEASE AND PERIODONTITIS: Gum disease and periodontitis (bone disease) are common problems that, if left untreated, eventually lead to tooth loss. Both of these conditions are generally caused by poor oral hygiene which leads to high plaque and calculus levels. Plaque is full of bacteria that causes the gums to be inflamed and the bone to recede. Once bone is lost it is almost impossible to get it back, so prevention is key! Brushing at least twice per day with a soft bristled tooth brush, and flossing at least once per day will help keep gum disease and periodontitis at bay. We have dedicated dental hygienists who specialize in treating gum disease and periodontitis. We can custom fit a maintenance schedule to help you keep your teeth for a lifetime!
TEMPOROMANDIBULAR JOINT DISORDER (TMJD): TMJD is a common condition affecting the joint of the jaw. Clicking, popping, and pain are all common signs that you may have a problem. TMJD is caused by an inflamed or malpositioned disc in the center of the joint. Surgery may be the solution for severe cases, but most people can have improvement or resolution of symptoms with non-surgical treatment and dietary restriction. Avoid repetitive motions like gum chewing. Foods that require significant effort to chew should also be avoided until you and the doctor can design a treatment plan.
DENTAL ANXIETY: For many people, the thought of having a cavity filled or a tooth removed is terrifying. Advancements in technology, techniques, and medications have made it possible to deliver dental treatment with minimal to no discomfort. Nitrous oxide (laughing gas) is a good solution for patients with minor anxiety or apprehension about their procedure. We can also give you a medication to help you relax during your appointment, or to help you sleep the night before. Conscious oral sedation is a good option for people who need a greater level of relaxation to get through an appointment. The patient is given a combination of medications in our office about one hour prior to their appointment. The patient is conscious for the procedure and the medication wears off in another hour or so. If you have dental needs and have been delaying your treatment because of fear or anxiety, talk to us about your options for getting the care you need.